Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A tulip for Easter

     Bulb flowers are among my favorites, and a tulip nearly bloomed beneath my bedroom window last week. With perfect spring days followed by blustery winter ones, I felt cautiously optimist about having an Easter tulip. Saturday morning a beautiful yellow blossom greeted me. The flower, and the warm sunny day, were a promise that spring follows winter. On Easter, we celebrate new life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Flowers are a beautiful reminder of hope. Seeds or bulbs are "dead" unground, yet miraculously bring forth new life in the springtime.
     I once had a miniature rose bush which I dubbed a "holiday rose" since it seemed to bloom only on holidays. Perfect thumb-sized roses opened on Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Memorial Day, etc. The tiny flowers seemed to celebrate with me, proclaiming, "There is hope." Life is full of hidden treasures. Why not seek one out today?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools!

     Yikes! The weather is playing a mean April Fools joke. Friday was so gorgeous, yet today the nasty cold wind makes it feels like winter again. I wore my winter coat with the hood to church, and was glad of it. Hopefully spring will return in time for Easter. I pray blessings on my readers, and advise you to hold on to your hats!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Out like a lamb?

     March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, right? Seems March is confused by its own rule, or maybe fickle. We've had too many different weather conditions this month to list. This morning started cool and calm, and my husband and I tackled the yard work. Good thing we got an early start, because by midmorning the increasing wind caused us to stop and retreat indoors.
     Life can be like March. Things go along smoothly for a while, and then, Whoa! One thing I know is that God is never surprised by bumps in the road, or even road blocks--sometimes He puts them there Himself. He is the author and finisher of our faith. Nothing can thwart His plans. When things seem to spin out of control, the first thing I should ask myself is, "What is Your plan in this, God?" Somehow He will guide me through, over, under, or around the situation.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring is here 2

     Although the first day of spring started out nippy, by midday the sun had warmed the air. The cold wind moved on, and I enjoyed a walk around the neighborhood. I even allowed myself some pleasure reading while soaking up the sun, between long stretches of research. Today's weather promises to be a repeat of yesterday.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring is here!

     My calendar says today is the first day of spring, although, the past few months felt more like spring than the past few days have. Beginnings are exciting: new seasons, the start of a new school year, a new job, house, baby. A fresh beginning. I'm excited about the prospect of my first book being published. I know the characters so well, they seem like dear friends. I've lived in Jeannie Miller's world, spending the last three years in the summer of 1965 on an Ohio farm with her dear aunt and uncle. I've seen that world through the eyes of an adventuresome ten-year-old. I've traveled Back Home Again in Indiana and attended sixth grade with Jeannie. Together, we've experienced the excitement of Christmas, of a new snowfall, and ringing in a brand new year.
     The 60s were idyllic in many ways; a simpler time. Yet, ever-growing technology helped send man to the moon. The Vietnam War raged, and Jeannie's cousin, Brian, experienced it first-hand in 1966. The Jeannie Miller Adventure Series is wholesome entertainment--and historically accurate--presenting readers with a looking-glass back through time. They are faith-based books, offering hope in various situations of life. My hope is to entertain, educate, and inspire--not necessarily in that order.
     Springtime awakens life, so stretch, walk in the sunshine, and breathe the fresh air. Read a book. Spend time with a friend. Thank the Lord for His goodness.  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Winter's last hurrah

     Saturday's weather blew in icy rain, belying Wednesday's balmy day. The Little Critter stood at the window, repeating his grandpa's words, "Cold and blowy!" Despite having dozens of toys, the little boy moved restlessly from one thing to another. His wails of protest at naptime drown out even the fierce winds outside. Trying to get some nutrition down him at dinnertime met with little success.
     What we needed was a walk at the mall, and playtime at the large area set aside for children to run, jump, climb, and expend energy. We had an angel boy from the moment we entered the car. The spitting rain turned to snow as we hurried inside the mall, though it didn't last long. An hour and a half later, we returned home with our sweet boy. The crabface did not return.
     Sunday mimicked Saturday, but mixed in brief periods of sunshine and less rain for variety. That evening, our grandson returned home with his mommy. We built a fire and snuggled before its warmth. Cold, rainy days make me appreciate our fireplace even more. To everything there is a season. Spring will be here soon, but reclining next to a toasty fire has it own merit.

Friday, March 16, 2012


     My grandson is visiting for a few days. He and his mother drew pictures on our back patio with sidewalk chalk. Later, the colors blended in a rainbow when we watered the plants. He splashed in a small puddle of water from the garden hose. I showed him how wet bare feet become little boy footprints.
     Inside the house, we discovered the marvels of Color Wonder markers and paper. The markers only show up on special paper, but that didn't stop the little Picasso from experimenting on his skin and the table top. He quickly mastered pulling off the marker lids and snapping them back on. Nana marveled at the dexterity of one so young.
     In the evening, our old dog, Andy, joined us in the living room for playtime. Little Critter put his foot next to the dog's--toes touching toes. He giggled at the comparison. Andy has never liked his feet touched, and flinched, which caused the little boy to laugh harder. Touch, flinch, laugh!
     This morning we will have more adventures and discoveries, and I'll relive life through the eyes of a two-year-old.