Friday, January 27, 2012

Jeannie Miller

   Last evening huge pink feathery clouds lit up the sky like gigantic angel's wings. I remember thinking I'd love to capture the scene on film. Chris at serendipity (blog) is a gifted photographer. I paint with words.
   Today, just for fun, I'll share some excerpts from Little House in the Cornfield, my first Jeannie Miller book.
   Adventurous ten-year-old Jeannie is spending the summer of 1965 on her great-aunt and uncle's Ohio farm. Uncle Harry is showing Jeannie around.

   He showed her the four stalls for the two horses and two cows. The cows were as alike as the Dr. Seuss creatures, Thing One and Thing Two. Cow One and Cow Two. Jeannie giggled to herself. Her uncle said these were work horses, but they were not opposed to being saddled and ridden, he'd show her how. "Heck, you can even ride the cows, if you wanna try. Don't know if they'll take to the saddles though," he said with a wink.
   Uncle Harry showed her a bicycle, painted red, with a long silver fender covering the back tire, a basket and bell in front. "You might want to make use of this old contraption while you're here. It belonged to the boys, but I cleaned it up, greased it, and got new tires when we heard you were comin'. Town's only two miles away. You might wanna shop, or go to the picture show, or just explore."

   Uncle Harry takes Jeannie on a tour on the town, but later that week she takes the bike and explores on her own.

   The glorious library filled with fresh adventures just waiting to be explored was only a short ride away. She decided to ride into town and have a look around for herself. After letting her aunt know where she was headed, Jeannie went to the barn for Big Red. She had named the bike two days earlier.
   Jeannie enjoyed the ride, kicking her feet out to her sides and leaning back as far as she dared. She closed her eyes and let the breeze rush over her. She didn't pass another soul on Miller Road. She imagined the cornfields were waves on the ocean as she was sailing along. Fresh sea air tousled First Mate Jeannie's hair, as she stood on the deck of the clipper. Suddenly the captain cried out, "Land Ho!" Jeannie approached First Street, placed her feet back firmly on the bike's pedals, maneuvered into town, then looked carefully around her.

   Tomorrow I might write a bit about Jeannie's adventures in Miriah and the Evil Sea-Witch.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


   I occasionally watch an episode of The Waltons. In the 1970s it was among my favorite shows. Watching the show then, I identified with the children. I, also, came from a large family and we often struggled financially. Yet the love and caring triumphed over family squabbles. Now I find myself identifying with Olivia Walton. Watching her with her baby grandson, John Curtis, makes me think of my own precious grandson.
   I'm no longer the child. My parents are no longer living. I'm the wife, mother, and now grandmother. It still seems strange to me. How did that happen? How did someday become today?
   Reflecting on life often means reminiscing, looking back fondly, yet a reflection in the mirror shows only today.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

X marks the spot

     Sitting at my computer, I often gaze out the window. The neighbor's tree changes with the seasons, the sky changes with the sun making its daily journey across it. Today I looked out and saw a gigantic white X streaking across the sky. Two jet lines had intersected creating this unusual sight. X marks the spot, just like on a treasure map. I was reminded to store my treasures in heaven.
     I wish I was a photographer and could capture what I see and post it here. As a new blogger, I don't even know how to post pictures. My words will have to do for now.
     The lines have faded now, but the memory remains. Reminders of God's grace are everywhere. I need only open my eyes and heart to them.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Have A Dream

   Today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. He was a visionary, a peace-loving, godly man. He had a dream of a better world. Many share his dream.
   I had a dream - an actual vision while I was sleeping at night dream - a few nights into the new year. In it my "boss" told me I would soon have time to pursue a new interest/activity. He made it sound like a challenge, an adventure. I didn't want to leave my job, but he was so kind and gentle, I sensed I wasn't being fired but given an opportunity. I woke wondering what the Lord was saying to me. He was obviously my "boss." Is this new year the beginning of a new chapter in my life?
   I have a dream. I pray with millions of others that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I have more personal dreams, too - dreams the Lord has put in my heart. I have faith He will fulfill those dreams in His good time.
   As you honor and celebrate King's birthday and accomplishments this weekend, remember to honor and celebrate the One who put those dreams in the man's heart. Praise be to God who both gives and fulfills dreams.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dr. Oz

   I rarely watch TV during the day, but have tuned in to Doctor Oz. this week. He and his guests have lots of sensible solutions to all kinds of health problems. The best part is they are very simple to implement into daily life. Make any new year's resolutions? Are you keeping them? The best way to do this is to keep things simple. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Abandoned in the desert

     I walked in the desert today and found a block wall. The wall was built a few years ago during the building boom. For a while it seemed new neighborhoods sprouted up everywhere overnight. I considered the Biblical passage about "counting the cost" as I strolled past the enclosure. Inside are paved streets and street lights. The construction stopped there. No houses. No yards. No people to occupy the land.
   Was the builder shortsighted? Maybe. The economic downturn was certainly a factor in the abandoned housing tract. It struck me as rather sad--the burgeoning neighborhood aborted before it even came to life.
   Though no one can predict the future, there is One who knows all things. A wise person knows whom to call on for help and advice. I pray I never be as that empty shell, full of potential but void of life and purpose.
   Walking farther I noticed someone had dumped their garbage. I never understood why people left furniture, broken appliances, and the like in the desert. Why leave your garbage for others to deal with? Upon closer inspection, however, the abandonment of these items was both sad and puzzling. Among the items were photographs, video tapes of family moments, and personal mail.
   I treasure photos and videos of my children when they were small, and am amazed that someone considered "Randy's 2nd birthday" rubbish. I also would not have left mail with personal information for all to see, I would have shredded it. Why invite identity theft?
   Is there a lesson here? Although we are told to store up treasure in heaven where it will not rust, rot, or be stolen, I believe we should care for our earthly resources. Have we become such a throwaway society that even our memories are thoughtlessly discarded in the desert?