Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A tulip for Easter

     Bulb flowers are among my favorites, and a tulip nearly bloomed beneath my bedroom window last week. With perfect spring days followed by blustery winter ones, I felt cautiously optimist about having an Easter tulip. Saturday morning a beautiful yellow blossom greeted me. The flower, and the warm sunny day, were a promise that spring follows winter. On Easter, we celebrate new life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Flowers are a beautiful reminder of hope. Seeds or bulbs are "dead" unground, yet miraculously bring forth new life in the springtime.
     I once had a miniature rose bush which I dubbed a "holiday rose" since it seemed to bloom only on holidays. Perfect thumb-sized roses opened on Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Memorial Day, etc. The tiny flowers seemed to celebrate with me, proclaiming, "There is hope." Life is full of hidden treasures. Why not seek one out today?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools!

     Yikes! The weather is playing a mean April Fools joke. Friday was so gorgeous, yet today the nasty cold wind makes it feels like winter again. I wore my winter coat with the hood to church, and was glad of it. Hopefully spring will return in time for Easter. I pray blessings on my readers, and advise you to hold on to your hats!